February 28, 2010

So Wrong

Place: My bathroom.

Setting: I am helping the girls get ready for bed, and Joe is sitting on the bed waiting for them to finish brushing their teeth so we can get their pajamas on.

Summer: "Mommy, I need more toothpaste!"

Me: "You have plenty. Brush your teeth, please."

Summer: "There is NOT enough toothpaste on my toothbrush!"

Me: "Yes there is. That is how much toothpaste you need to brush your teeth."

Summer: "No it's not! I need moooore!"

Me: "Summer, it is time for bed. If you want me to read you a story, then you need to hurry up. If you aren't brushing by the time I count to three, I'm going to do it for you. 1......2......"

Summer: "This is SO WRONG!"

Joe and I started laughing because we couldn't believe our 3-year-old just spoke to me like a 10-year-old drama queen, and Summer burst into tears.


Oh my. We sure are going to have our hands full in a few years!


Bridgett said...

Summer is a girl who knows what she wants and won't take no for an answer! LOL

Susie said...

That is so funny!! Yeah it doesn't get any better as they grow older.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! I love it! hahaha!

I couldn't stop giggling the other day when my 2 year old nephew told my sister, "Try again, Mom" (in a very aloof way) b/c she refilled his chocolate milk with white milk :) Kiddos are so funny!

Missy | Literal Mom said...

This is making me laugh! My 2YO has started saying, "FIIINNNE" when I ask her to do something because she's heard her sister say it. Urrgh.

Kelly Dawn said...

ok hell thats about the time kadie started the drama :) good luck with that **giggle** oh the stories i could tell you...lmao...

Your blog is about to get way more interesting in a whole new way :)

love ya!!


amanda said...

lol. isn't it amazing!! how fast they become drama queens?! i'm nervous for in ten years i will have a 13,14,and 15 year old. girls. yikes! :0)

gomillion and one... said...

That is just comedy. Its amazing what they say at this age. You try not to laugh but its just inevitable. Good luck when shes 13! :)

Kristine said...

Ahhh...having girls is grand!

Holly said...

Hahaha yep a handful for sure! They can be such divas!

Richard said...

(chris crocker ftw)

Tiffany Lockette said...

Is it wrong that I am laughing? It will definitely only get worse. Hang in there and smile through it as much as you can.

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