November 5, 2009

I had to ask...

Earlier today...

"You know, Summer, it wasn't that long ago that you didn't know how to talk. And now you talk to us all the time. How neat is that? It must be pretty cool to all the sudden know how to talk to everyone. I mean, a just a couple years ago you were a tiny baby and couldn't say a word, and here you are saying things that I wouldn't expect you to even process until you are 10. It's amazing. What does it feel like to all the sudden be able to express yourself and communicate with everyone around you?"

"Mommy... can you just ask me what my favorite color is or something?"


Tiffany said...

LOL! :)

PunkRockChic said...

Hahahaha! What a priceless response!

And totally off topic, I have that SAME spot in my left eye like Summer does! My eyes are brown, so you can only see it in the light, but I kid you not, it's almost identical! So crazy.

Kaileigh said...

LOL!!! Love it :)

Holly said...

That is so funny!

Kristine said...


-stephanie- said...

HA! love it.

gomillion and one... said...

Gotta love her! Children are hilarious!

Abigail Kraft said...

OH MY WORD! hahahaha! That's just awesome. :D She's adorable.

By the way...I was just looking through your blog designs. Love your work! The header on Live, Laugh, Love...Our Way is awesome. :)

Have a great day!

Bridgett said...

So clever, she is. :D

Anonymous said...

Ha, love that answer! She is too cute!!

(thanks for visiting my blog earlier and the sweet comment).

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