October 25, 2010

Extreme Makeover: Day Two

Joe left to head back up to the house around 2:30pm yesterday. They were planning on starting on roughing in the plumbing in the gym and the house at 3:00. When they arrived, the construction was around six hours behind schedule. They got the plumbing in the gym done around 5PM, and then moved on to the house.

Around 5:30PM, I took Summer and Camryn and we met Jillia, Bud, Audrey, Brandi, and Olivia at the K-Mart parking lot near the site where the shuttles pick up spectators to drive them over to watch. There were about 40-50 people there when we got there and more came as we waited for the bus to come. After about 15 minutes it came, dropping off a load of people and picking us all up.

Sorry for the poor photo quality in this post... my camera is incapable of taking good pictures in low lighting. Yes, I'm blaming it on the camera and not the photographer :)

IMG_2693edit Olivia waiting patiently for the shuttle bus

It took about 10 minutes to get to the house. As we pulled up, it was an amazing sight. There were big bright lights, and blue shirts and hard hats everywhere. The house looked much different than the pictures Joe had from earlier that day. They already had the frames for all of the buildings up, and were working on the roof for the house among 50 other things. IMG_2694editIt was perfect timing when we got there… Joe was just walking over to his truck to get a light to take into the house. He stopped and said hi to us and then had to get back to work.IMG_2698editRight after we got into the spectator area, it started raining.IMG_2707editThis is the garage. It’s going to look amazing! You can see the stonework that they have around the bottom. Word is, the exterior is going to be some kind of natural wood.

the VIP tent

IMG_2716editLine of people waiting on the shuttle


While we were in line waiting on the shuttle bus, I heard a man talking to the people in line behind us. It took me a few seconds to realize who he was – Patrick Hughes, the father of the family that got the last Extreme Makeover house in Louisville, a few years ago. If you watch the show, you may remember them as the family who has a son that is blind and in a wheelchair, and played in the marching band and the piano. They were kind enough to let me take their picture.

IMG_2767editPatricia and Patrick Hughes

IMG_2771editBrandi, Camryn, Summer, Audrey

IMG_2763edit One last look at the house before we got back on the bus. I’m sure it already looks completely different today!

Joe and the other plumbers worked non-stop until 5AM when the rough-in was finally finished. He got home around 5:30AM and slept until noon. One of his bosses had told them they could stay home if they needed to since they had worked so late. I’m glad he decided to stay home and get some rest, since he has a full day at work tomorrow and then is supposed to go back out there to finish all the plumbing, which will most likely last into the middle of the night.

Thanks for all the comments on the last post... Joe really appreciates the support!

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Have a great Monday!


Trish said...

That is amazing..thanks for sharing it with us!

Is Patrick the man who pushes his son around the football field for the marching band and learns the whole routine?

Can't wait to see the house all finished, you will have to let us know when it wil air.

Discovery School at First Baptist Heath said...

WOW! Thanks for the update... What a gift being Joe has to be a part of changing someone"s life in this manner. SO awesome that your girls get to see it!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

This is awesome!!! That had to be exciting to see!

Vicky said...

How cool that you got to meet the Hughes family! I still remember their show :) Isn't the vibe and energy amazing? I still remember though, the red bull coming in by the cases- hope Joe gets some rest before he goes back... can't wait to see more!! You are doing a great job!

dirtylittlehamster said...

i like that im first =)

Songberries said...

How exciting!
I'm a new follower, will you follow me?

Christy said...

EVERY bad picture I take is the camera's fault. You have a real cutie there.

Thanks for linking up with the Tuesday Train! Have a wonderful week.

Barbara B said...

Following you from follow me back Tuesday, I would love a follow back.


Giveaways for Mom said...

Very cool, love that show!

Following from Tuesday Train! Hope you'll visit me at www.giveawaysformom.com :)

While you're there, I hope you'll enter my LOW ENTRY giveaways & add any giveaways you have to my DAILY giveaway linky!

Becky Jane said...

I would be a bit nervous knowing strangers were clearing my house of my personal belongings...LOL
I am your newest Follower, hope you can stop by for a visit!

Thanks, Becky Jane
Raising kids can be a lot like weeding the rose bed...well worth it, but...OUCH!

JBGRIGS said...

That is awesome that Joe is helping with the house. Kudos to him :)

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