October 21, 2010

Apples, Leaves, and a Favor

Thanks for all of the anniversary well-wishes :) We had a great evening. My parents watched the girls while we saw a movie and had dinner. We watched Jackass in 3D. So romantic, I know.IMG_2437edit This morning Camryn and I went and took over my mom’s bed and TV. She watched Dora and ate an apple, I read the paper and drank coffee.IMG_2453edit IMG_2460editWe also took a walk. She loves this car, too bad she’s about to be too tall for it!IMG_2490edit2IMG_2494edit2IMG_2509editThe girls wouldn’t get in the car after preschool without playing in the leaves for a minute.IMG_2520editIMG_2525editAll four of us are feeling pretty bad today, I think we have colds. Hopefully it gets better and not worse, because we have a busy weekend (Extreme Makeover!) ahead of us. We’re also having Jillia and Bud over this evening to carve our pumpkins so I’m hoping our energy can last that long. It really is too bad my girls stopped napping a year ago, I think we could all use one right now!IMG_2527edit

P.S. If you enjoy Dirt and Lace, could you be so kind as to click on the brown banner below to vote for us? I would love for this little blog of mine to get a nice ranking among other mom and dad blogs and your support would be wonderful. (You can vote once per day) Every vote helps. Thank you so much!

Click To Vote For Us @ Top Baby Blogs Directory!

P.P.S. I also made a new button, that is on my sidebar, if you want to replace the old one or add it to your blog :)


Kaileigh said...

Hm... So I clicked it to vote, but it didn't give me a "thanks for voting" page... is that normal?

Brandi said...

Aww that is romantic! :D As long as you two had fun that's all that matters. And as always LOVE the photos of the girls. Man I miss being a kid when I see them. :)

Discovery School at First Baptist Heath said...

Awesome fun day! and happy anniversary a day late, blogger would not allow me to do anythng most of yesterday....

Stephanie said...

I voted again today :)

Love the pics what a great night and morning!!!

Extreme Makeover start this weekend? You're going to have a blast from what I've heard - the girl I was telling you about before asked for your blog address :)

JBGRIGS said...

Logan has that car in green. He loves it :)

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