Summer and Camryn can pick my (touch screen) phone up, and navigate their way to each of the game apps I have on there for them. We’re talking sliding things, clicking things, scrolling things. They can also access my pictures and videos easily. It amazes me. It’s almost scary. If I don’t watch it, they’re going to be better with technology than I am before they reach the age of 5.
I know! Scary! My girls always find a way into things that I didn't even know existed on my phone!
It is amazing what kids can pick up and learn these days!!
Love the new design!
Kids and technology these days. I watched a 4 year old texting her grandma on the playground last night.
My girls are the same way. they do better than I do.
Love your new blog design.
new follower from follow me, chickadee! your babies are adorable!
Kids keep getting better and better at that stuff!
I'm always amazed at how quickly kids pick up that stuff. Thanks for visiting today. I hope you have a great weekend!
I know, it IS scary!!:)
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