July 12, 2010

Another Day in the Country

Saturday morning, Joe and his dad went fishing. On their way back ,Joe stopped and got the girls and I to take us out to his dad’s. We spent the rest of the day there. Joe and his dad got a bit of work done, we played outside, rode the four-wheeler, and grilled hot dogs for dinner.

Joe and I also managed to bring home some chigger bites. Ugh.

Here are some pictures.. IMG_8544edit IMG_8547edit IMG_8562edit IMG_8602editAnyone want to guess what this is/was?IMG_8630edit Joe’s dad got this four-wheeler recently. And don’t worry… these girls will never go anywhere but a flat field at 5MPH on this thing. IMG_8636edit Camryn took this oneIMG_8643edit I really was thisclose to that bee. Isn’t it cute?!IMG_8666edit IMG_8680edit

P.S. Yes I re-designed my blog again. You all knew it would happen. And I love it. Nothing better than hardwood floors.


Lindsay said...

Love the new look. Completely freaked out by whatever that thing on the porch was. Seriously I still have goosebumps.

Unknown said...

it looks great...and I love your pictures...how do you get the about me thing like that?

jennohara said...

Everything looks awesome. Love the pictures...cept the weird wormy thing on the porch. Kinda weirded out by that.

Brianne said...

I think I know what that weird thing is. But even knowing what it is doesn't make me any less nauseated looking at it! lol

Great pics! I love the country. ^_^

LOVE the new look too! ^_^

JBGRIGS said...

Awesome Photos!!! Sounds like it was a fun time :)

Discovery School at First Baptist Heath said...

What the heck is that thing on the porch???? It looks like a totally fun day...

Stephanie said...

What in the world is that thing?!!!!

Love the pictures - beautiful scenery around there!!!!

Susie said...

Love the pics. Looks like a good time, except for the chigger bites.

Ali said...

NOTHING better than hardwood. Couldn't agree more!

Brandi said...

I never get tired of seeing your family, beyond beautiful always! I LOOOOOOOOVE the one where they are running! Adorable!! : D

Also loving the new blog layout! Gorgeous. : D

Libby said...

You are such the photographer! But seriously, what in the heck is that gross fungus, wormy looking thing?

Kristi said...

I would love to have a place in the country!! I love the fields there. I bet your girls have so much fun there!!

Colleen said...

Such beautiful pictures! They just evoke summer and childhood! Lovely!
I see you live in Kentucky, it looks gorgeous there! My husband and I were there once, but in the winter so I never saw it looking as lush and green as this! Lucky you!:)
Have a lovely weekend with your family!

Lori said...

Beautiful photos! Even the weird thing -- what IS it??

Tiffany Lockette said...

Great pictures!! What was that thing?

Tiffany said...

LOL I saw on your FB what that thing was already, but these comments made me laugh about it. :) The pic of the girls in the tree is adorable! :)

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