June 16, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

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Brianna! said...

She looks like she is having a BLAST!


Libby said...

Yahoo for whack a mole! I love seeing the delayed reaction time!

Stephanie said...

I loved those as a kid!!!!! And could even be a great way to take out frustration now :)

Kristine said...

Go girl! That game rocks, lol.

Lindsay said...

I love whack a mole! We were just at the rat's palace yesterday and I practially pushed Riley aside to try to help her win more tickets of course and so she started trying to bang my hands with the mallet.

I also LOVE their hair - how did you get them to sit still for that?

Bernadette said...

LOVE whack-a-mole!!
Eli will only play for a few seconds, then i get to take over ;)

Holly said...

I always loved that game!

Tiffany Lockette said...

That game use to wear me out when I was a little kid!!
I love her braids. I can do a general braid but I want to learn how to french braid and soon too. HHMMmm, wonder if I can find a YouTube Video on how to french braid, bet I can!!

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