October 26, 2009

An Open Letter

Dear Tish and Billy Ray Cyrus,

I am deeply disturbed by the Halloween costume you let your nine year old daughter wear this past weekend. What the heck were you thinking?!

Nine year olds dressed up as witches wear long black dresses, striped tights, and a pointy black hat. They don't wear hooker boots and dresses that are so short and tight they could be mistaken for Victoria Beckham's lingerie.

Provacative dresses are worn for one reason, and I think we all know what that reason is. Letting a young girl dress that way is just asking for trouble. It's like dangling chocolate in front of a woman with PMS. Have you not heard of pedophiles? Or what about those girls on Maury who get knocked up when they're 14 because they dress and act like little hoochie mamas?

I am begging you to re-examine what you allow your young daughter to wear in public. Get her a big ol' t-shirt, some non-form-fitting pants, and maybe a baby doll while you're at it. Give her a chance to be a kid, and a few more years of innocence. That's not something you are going to regret.

A Concerned Mom Who Would Never Let Her Kids Outta The House Like That


Kari said...


carolinagirl said...

Lord have Mercy!

Anonymous said...

I really agree!!!!!!!!! Is that Noah miley's little sister?

Charlotte Ann said...

I agree and am honestly to the point that I don't even want to let me kids watch TV or anything. This world is going to hell in a hand basket! Lord Help us all!

Alicia said...

I agree! What are they thinking?

Richard said...

OMFG i JUST saw this on WhatTheBuck...

yeah. the cyrus people are like.. retarded.

-stephanie- said...

Good grief! I too saw this kind of crap at the store while trying to find a costume for my 7 year old. Unbelievable the garbage that is out there. And the way these little girls on the package are modeling these costumes! Their innocence is gone.

EmilytheCreative said...

I agree. Let little girls be little girls. They have their whole adults like to be.. well.. adults!

EmilytheCreative said...

*adults lives...

JBGRIGS said...

what the heck were they thinking?

Kaileigh said...

OMG... just eww....

Kristine said...

She. Looks. Horrible. Very sad parenting.

Stephanie said...

Oh My! I had not seen that picture....insane!

Holly said...

I agree with you!!! TOTALLY!! I would NEVER let my daughter out of the house in something like that! She wouldn't even wear it IN the house!

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

And the make up! Holy crap the poor thing looks like a prostitute. :(

Bridgett said...

Yea, you know I love witches...but that's completely over the line for a 9 year old girl.

And I can definitely say this, I know NO witches who dress like that. ;) As far as I can tell, they wear jeans and t-shirts...with the occasional pointy hat. LOL


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