June 9, 2009

A New Look and a Headache


That's what trying to re-design my blog by myself makes me say.

I loved Julie's design, but I just really wanted something to match more with the shirt website that I'm working on. That, combined with a little knowledge of html and image design skills and no extra money to pay Julie to do another design for me leads me to where we are right now... a partly finished-ish blog, a sore butt, and a lot of frustration because it's not nearly as easy as one would think.

So... bare with me as I try to work on this. You can check in and laugh every 10 minutes as I screw up one thing after another, if you want.

On top of trying to finish this, I'm also needing to get my shirt website finished. So far, it's bare. I have to get it done in the next few days, because I'm participating in a giveaway at the Womb to Bloom/Mentoring Mommy site launch party on Friday and I imagine there will need to be a link to site that isn't blank.

It's getting late and I feel a "thinking too much" headache coming on so I'd better call it a night!


Tiffany said...

Good luck trying to fix up your blog and shirt site! HTML can get complicated sometimes.

Holly said...

I like your new banner! I would do my own stuff too but it takes a lot of time IMO and that's something I don't have much of already. A lot cheaper though to do it on your own! :)

Bridgett said...

Just looking at HTML gives me a whopper of a headache.

Good luck! The banner is really cute...


Stephanie said...

I definitely tip my hat to you because I have no idea how to do it. I'd love to learn one day soon but for now I'm clueless!

I love the new header though...it looks GREAT!

Hope you're rested and feel better this morning :)

LivingSimply, SimplyLiving said...

Great new header...the new blog is coming GREAT.

Ms.Emily said...

I think it looks great!

I know some html ... it works ok for myspace...but blogger another story.


gomillion and one... said...

I feel you girl! I spent 3 hours the other day trying to redesign mine and finally gave up. For some reason blogger won't take any of the templates or HTML codes I give it. I'm about to scream....I guess I will forever be stuck with black and whilte...lol!

Leslie said...

Oh hun lots of luck on redoing the blog here. I hear its very frustrating to do layouts for blogger. I am sure the end result will look great. I like how it looks so far though. I cant wait to to see the new shirt site too. Its going to come together hun no worries. It will look great :) Take care hun. Hope you have a good day today xo

Emily said...

oh more power to you girl! I cant even ever figure out how to re-do my blog myself... I paid someone to make mine all cutesie and will pay her to redo it down the rode! Yeah for you!

Bernadette said...

your blog looks great!! I love it :)

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