June 9, 2009

Dirt and Lace Shirts

Check out my new Dirt and Lace Shirts website. I'm not really done with it, but it works for now. I would love to hear your your thoughts, suggestions, and opinions!


Susie said...

The site looks great. You are talented.

Stephanie said...

I love the look! and the designs are adorable too!

EmilytheCreative said...

It looks great!!

Tiffany said...

Site looks nice, and pretty easy to browse around on. I have a question about your shirts(feel free to add it to your question and answer section). Do they wash well? I mean do the graphics stay on after a few washings?? KWIM? Or will they crack over time and start to peel?

Karen said...

Love the site, looks great!

Monica said...

Wow.. You did that site? I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Congratulations on your new business! I hope you sell tons of shirts. I wish I had a little girl to buy for.

Monica said...

Wow.. You did that site? I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Congratulations on your new business! I hope you sell tons of shirts. I wish I had a little girl to buy for.

gomillion and one... said...

I love how the Dirt and Lace Shirts page is coming out. Really purdy!!!

Bridgett said...

Honestly? I think it looks fabulous!!

Well done!

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