While Summer is at preschool, Camryn and I get to hang out. On Friday, we decided the car was dirty and took it to get washed. She thought that was super fun.
The amount of pancakes my kids can fit into their stomachs is amazing and somewhat disturbing to me.
I saw this outside my house. I love seeing little things up close.
Our college football team (University of Kentucky) played a huge game over the weekend and we had a party at my parents’ house. We won :) My cousin Sarah and Camryn:
I babysat Olivia that day. She missed her nap and passed out on my lap. I love cuddly, sleeping babies.
Do you see her face? Do you see the purple mark on her cheek? There is another on the other cheek (you can kind of see it on the first picture of her sleeping). It’s from being bitten. By a child. At daycare. Twice. ON HER FACE. She turned one and was immediately put in a class with 2 and 3 year old's. Some 2 1/2 year old demon child bit her on two different occasions. Broke the skin. Not only that but no one called Audrey to tell her. She immediately found her a new daycare and is reporting them to the state. Some kids go through a biting stage, I get that. But to allow it to happen to a little baby who should constantly have someone watching her, and twice?!
Here’s lookin at you, A Kid’s World in Jeffersonville, Indiana.
There’s all my random pictures and thoughts for the day.
Your responses to my Flatulation post are hilarious.
We’re headed to the park :)
Have a great Tuesday!
Poor Olivia! I can't believe she was put with 2 and 3 year olds at age 1. I worked at a daycare in the summers in high school and they had a separate room for 1-2 year olds. They then slowly transitioned them to the older room IF they were ready. Oh and biting was not tolerated! I'm glad to hear she was able to go to a different daycare.
I love the carwash pictures :) Hope you have a great day!
Oh ouch, those look like huge, painful bites too! poor little sweetheart!:(
Wonderful pictures!
OH MY WORD. I worked at a gym daycare once and this little boy was a biter and actually would latch on and shake his head like a dog and not let go. He did it three times before they revoked his parents gym membership.
I feel TERRIBLE for that little baby and her Mama. Good for her for reporting them!!
P.S. My daughter's pancake consumption is also troubling/awe inspiring.
OMG, I can't believe that bite mark! Wow...
My daughters get a kick out of the car wash, too :)
Omg, I cannot believe she was bitten like that. Glad she's switching daycares...that poor baby.
The first time I took Jacob through a car wash he was terrified - I had to do it when he wasn't in the car for years after that. Cute pics of her watching - she seems very enthralled!
I would have freaked out on that daycare if that was my child and she was bitten twice. I'm happy to hear that she found a new daycare for that sweet baby girl :)
Bryn is still terrified of the carwash, so my car is filthy! LOL
My kids eat their weight in pancakes/french toast too.
And poor Olivia and those bites. Glad her momma took her out of that daycare and reported them!
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