Yesterday was our first-born baby’s fourth birthday! When she woke up in the morning, I told her happy birthday. Her face lit up and she said, “It’s my birthday RIGHT NOW?!” She loves being four so far :)
We had already had her party, so we had a pretty relaxed birthday-day for her. All she has talked about wanting for her birthday is a Jessie (from Toy Story) doll. We had a few gift cards left over from Christmas to Toys-R-Us so as soon as Joe got home from work, that’s where we headed.
She walked around the whole store and we looked at EVERYTHING. We even told her she could get a bike. But no, she chose Jessie.
After the toy store, we went back home and waited for my parents to come over. They were driving home from Bowling Green, where they had dropped my brother off at college.
We sang her happy birthday, enjoyed a delicious cake (courtesy of Wal-Mart), and she opened her present from my parents… a bunch of adorable clothes for school!
She had a great day. Happy Birthday, Summer!
Cute Jesse doll. I didn't know that they had one out. Ellie would love one of those. Glad that Summer had a good birthday.
Cute doll! Glad she's had a great birthday - it's insane how fast time flies!!!!
Very Cute!!! Happy Birthday Summer :)
Happy 4th Birthday Summer!! She is so cute. Girl knows what she wants!!
I got Keely that Jessie doll for x-mas! :)
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