May 16, 2009

Leaves and a Rain Dance

Today we did some yard work and the girls played outside. They spent time watching ants and stuffing the trunk of their tricycle with leaves. Whatever makes them happy :-)

When I took this video I didn't think I would be sharing it here since it's longer that normal. But they were too funny not to post it.

Please excuse the broken lamp and rugs hanging up on the porch.


Susie said...

That was so sweet them saying good-bye.

Terri said...

They are so adorable!

Neither ready to go in..and doing the rain dance.... :)

Thanks for sharing...

It rained here in my neck of the woods in Kentucky as well...


Stephanie said...

Adorable!!!! Love the cutie shirt....she is adorable.

-stephanie- said...

They sure are some little cuties. I loved the sweet goodbyes.

Leslie said...

OH my gosh hunny. I loved the pics first of all. 2nd i really loved the movie. I will show this to D soon. I have shown her all the pics and movies of the girl. She thinks there soo cute and really enjoys the movies. There just so adorable hun. I love it when you kept saying to them do you think we should go inside. There like No, lol. Too funny. Also i wanted to reply to your last entry too. im so happy you all will be able to move in really soon yeah. Thats great. The pics from the last entry are awesome too. Its all coming together. Im sorry about the kitchen though. But im sure in a about a month u all will be able to finish that up. Thats great too you are thinking/going to do some pt babysitting. I am thinking of the same too. Take care hun. ttys xo

Bridgett said...

I loved their rain dance! They actually sounded like they were doing some Indian chanting. LOL

And I loved the little "Hello, I'm Cutie" sticker too. :D

Very cute....


Monica said...

That was adorable! I loved the way the little one (srry, I can't remember which is which lol) wanted to do the same things that the older one was doing.

They seem like they are really good friends. I have 3 sons, ages 14,10 and 8. I can't wait until the day they decide to be friends. They just want to fuss and bicker all the time now. :(

EmilytheCreative said...


~Ann~ said...

They definately didn't want to go inside did they. :) Love the rain dance!

Ms.Emily said...

that video was so cute!

olivia sat here and watched the girls do their dance and danced with them~! lol

too bad we live so far away i need a sitter now that i'm going back to work and olivia would just love love love playing with your girls!

Easton wife said...

Just suppper cute!

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